A little Message from the Author
Hello Everyone! Listed below are some valuable scripts that you can use in your rpg games. Note that I did not made this scripts. They are simply scripts that are distributed in the internet that I had gathered here. Please give credits to the author of this scripts if you intend to use them in your rpg maker project. Hope you enjoy making your game!
Click the Title of the script to view the script's content.
_______________________________________________RPG Maker VX Scripts Collections________________________________________
Website Launcher Script
This neat little script will let you add additional commands in the game title menu in which when click will allow the user to visit the site of your choice(e.g. the game site).
Start Copying here:
# Website Launch from Title
# Version: 1.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: April 5, 2010
# Description:
# This simple script adds the option to launch a website from a command on
# the title screen. Only works in Windows, but RMVX only runs in Windows
# anyway, so that shouldn't be a problem.
# Instructions:
# Just go down to the configurable constants area at line 17 and read the
# instructions there to see what each constant is for. Set them accordingly
MAWLT_COMMAND = "Support" # The name of the new command
MAWLT_INDEX = 2 # Where the new command appears in the window
MAWLT_URL = "http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,25533.0.html" # The full URL of the website to be launched
MAWLT_Y_OFFSET = -24 # Pixels Y coordinate of the window is offset by
# ** Window Command
# Summary of Changes:
# new accessor variable - mawlt_index_override
# new method - mawlt_add_command
# aliased method - draw_item
class Window_Command
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :mawlt_index_override
# * Add Command
# index : the position to add the command in
# command : the command to add
def mawlt_add_command (index, command)
return unless @commands
@commands.insert (index, command)
@item_max += 1
self.y += MAWLT_Y_OFFSET
self.height = self.height + WLH
disabled = []
@wlt_disabled_commands = [] unless @wlt_disabled_commands
@wlt_disabled_commands.each { |x| disabled.push (x >= index ? x + 1 : x) }
disabled.each { |x| draw_item (x, false) }
# * Draw Item
alias mal_wlt_drwitm_8yh1 draw_item
def draw_item (index, enabled = true, *args)
mal_wlt_drwitm_8yh1 (index, enabled, *args) # Run Original Method
@wlt_disabled_commands = [] unless @wlt_disabled_commands
@wlt_disabled_commands.push (index) if !enabled && !@wlt_disabled_commands.include? (index)
# * Index
alias malg_wlt_indxovrd_8km1 index
def index (*args)
indx = malg_wlt_indxovrd_8km1 (*args) # Run Original Method
return indx if !@mawlt_index_override || !Input.trigger? (Input::C) || indx < MAWLT_INDEX
return indx - 1 if indx > MAWLT_INDEX
return -1
# ** Scene Title
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - create_command_window, update
class Scene_Title
# * Create Command Window
alias malgbr_wsitelaunch_crtcmmnd_9ol2 create_command_window
def create_command_window (*args)
malgbr_wsitelaunch_crtcmmnd_9ol2 (*args) # Run Original Method
@command_window.mawlt_add_command (MAWLT_INDEX, MAWLT_COMMAND)
@command_window.index += 1 if @command_window.index >= MAWLT_INDEX
# * Update
alias mawlt_update_7uj2 update
def update (*args)
@command_window.mawlt_index_override = true
mawlt_update_7uj2 (*args)
@command_window.mawlt_index_override = false
if Input.trigger? (Input::C) && @command_window.index == MAWLT_INDEX
Thread.new {system("start #{MAWLT_URL}")}